Fitness trainer app

Client: Upswing Fitness (now Upspace)
Role: Product designer (UX, UI, research, writing)
Collaboration: Product strategist, project manager, 6-person development team, and client leadership.



Upswing Fitness is changing the way trainers interact with their clients. Their workout platform gives users access to a wide range of trainers, each with free and subscription content. Thanks to the founders' experience in the fitness industry, the app provides innovative tools for trainers to grow their business and engage with their clients. I worked with Upswing to define the product vision, perform interviews/research, and design an initial MVP as well as subsequent feature releases.


Design process

My discovery phase involved a wide range of competitor research, stakeholder interviews, and user interviews. Rough prototypes and concepts soon followed. These took the form of rough designs in Figma as well as extensive wireflow diagrams to explore the various features and screens across user personas. With some initial ideas for the product in hand, we worked with Upswing to validate our ideas and plot the course for an MVP of the app.

I partnered with Upswing's brand team to create a full dark/light mode UI kit. This allowed our development team to build quickly and make global changes easily. After creating a full set of design screens and user flows, I paired with our development team to hit an aggressive 30-day release timeline. I was deeply involved in testing the product before and after launch, and our successful release allowed us to test the product with a wide range of users and capture feedback that would inform subsequent features and adjustments.



The product we created for Upswing was proof that our product vision was viable and expedited their fundraising efforts. I continued to work with them to refine and expand the app in design sprints. The platform's feature set is robust: video posts, social features, a post editing studio, messaging, chat rooms, payment flows, subscriptions, programs, profile creation, promotional challenges, and even a gamified leaderboard. As the product came online, trainers quickly began to adopt the platform and contribute to the product vision and scope.